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A weekly stand-up comedy evening by Shreeks Comedy Co-hosted by Sunobey at Cafe Rossini
Weekly dose of comedy served to you by 8 -10 Comedians offering a wide variety of jokes for you to enjoy ! Some hilarious and some offensive,Some one liners & some hard hitting !
Cafe Rossini located on the 80ft Road leading to Ramaiah Hospital has long served it's patrons with fine food,Now adds one more flavor to their offering !!
Stand-up comedy nights is primarily aimed at those who prefer to have done fine food & unwind themselves during the weekends with some humour and laughter to take all those stress away.
Come & have a light riot with the best food & beverages to make your Sunday evening memorable.
PS: Please note that Comedy is a subject which is personal to each individual and not necessarily represent the society or the country's view on any matter ! Further by attending the event you're fully aware & are agreeing to be a part of this volunterily knowing full well that the contents might of adult and absurd ( sometimes) kind. The jokes are usually 18 and hence are restricted to those who are 18 years old
Shreeks Comedy & Sunobey reserves all the rights to admission & any rude behaviour will not be tolerated