Do you eat, sleep and dream of code? Feel that your day is not complete unless you take up a programming challenge?
Then this one is for you! Calling all programming whizzes to the greatest programming event of the century: Venturesity's House of Code!!
Here you get to validate our huuuuuuuuuuge database of competitive programming questions. Solve them, generate test cases, point out ambiguities ... and oh, if you have any ideas for programming questions of your own, feel free to share them with us.
So what kind of problem statements will you be working on?
Well these aren't your everyday competitive programming questions. They run the gamut from questions aimed at a code golf audience, to some really tough and interesting algorithmic challenges. They aim to exhaustively test your fundamental coding smarts. And they vary in difficulty. So there is something for everyone to cut their teeth into!
Needless to say, there are exciting prizes are on offer as well! And, as this is an all day affair, all your mortal needs like eating etc. will be taken care of! So relax, grab a bite of coke and code, and scratch that programming itch!
So come one, come all to this one of a kind programming extravaganza!
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