Book Online Tickets for XIX International Coal Preparation Congr, New Delhi. Main objectives of CPSI are to act as a facilitator in policy formulation for coal beneficiation and preparation, to provide an effective interface amongst coal producers, consumers, coal washery operators, technical and research organizations, ventu

XIX International Coal Preparation Congress 2019


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About The Event

Main objectives of CPSI are to act as a facilitator in policy formulation for coal beneficiation and preparation, to provide an effective interface amongst coal producers, consumers, coal washery operators, technical and research organizations, venture capitalists both domestic and international and to encourage any innovative idea which can promote these actions. Coal Preparation Society of India (CPSI) is a non-profit, non- government professional body having members from coal, power, iron and steel sector and their allied industries. CPSI has been dedicatedly promoting washing of high ash domestic coal to improve its quality and facilitate usage in higher efficiency power generating systems. Such efforts will lead to a more environment friendly usage of coal as a source of energy. CPSI is a front runner in the promotion of use of washed coal in India.



About International Coal Preparation Congress


The concept of an International Coal Preparation Congress (ICPC) was developed through the Allied Coal Commission which was an offshoot of the Marshall Plan for redeveloping Europe after World War II. The first International Organizing Committee (IOC) consisted of members from Belgium, France, Germany, Holland, United Kingdom, and the United States. The IOC decided that the Congress would be held on a four year frequency in different parts of the world. In 2010, however, IOC decided to hold the Congress on a three year frequency. The first ICPC was held in 1950 in France and subsequent Congresses were held in Germany, Belgium, UK, USA, Poland, Australia, Russia, INDIA, Canada, Japan, South Africa, Turkey etc.

Event Overview:

a) Event Objective

The objective of the International Coal Preparation Congress (ICPC) is to provide a global forum where policy makers, corporates, professionals, subject experts and allied stakeholders from around the world meet and deliberate upon latest developments in the related fields, cutting edge technologies and recommend a country - specific plan of action to the best advantage to the local situation keeping in view socio economic environment prevailing in the country.

To accomplish this, the ICPC blends technical programmes with Industry visits with the following main objectives: 

— To learn, identify and plan to procure and adapt state of art, cost effective, simple and easy to implement and operate coal processing technologies most suitable to Indian coal.

— To showcase the strength and future vision of the Indian Coal Mining industry across the globe with a view to attract developers, investors and manufacturers to set up facilities in tune with 'Make in India' and 'Skill India' initiatives by the Government.

b) Industry Scenario

Notwithstanding the Paris climate change change treaty, according to data recently released by the International Energy Agency, there was an increase in global coal consumption last year after two straight years of decline. According to the IEA, coal’s share in power generation across Southeast Asia is expected to grow from 35% today to 40% by 2040. Alongside its vital role in electricity generation, coal is crucial for building modern infrastructure such as transport systems and high-rise buildings, supporting urbanization and global economic development.

Indian coal deposits are of 'Drift Origin'. Due to their very generic nature, the ash content is high varying between 22% and 45%, and may go up to even 50 percent. Predominance of coal production from open cast mining leads to further deterioration of the quality of run of mine coal due to 'out of seam' dilution. Coal production in FY 2017-18 was about 690 million tonnes (mt) and demand was about 870 mt. Domestic coal production is set to grow to over 1000 mt in next couple of years. Presently, the installed coal washing capacity in the country is about 145 mt per annum and it is projected to increase to over 350mt by 2019. In view of the stringent guidelines promulgated by the Indian Government mandating use of coal having ash content of 34% and below for any user unit located more than 500 kms for the mine source, there is a huge gap in washing capacity giving rise to tremendous investment and expansion opportunities in the area of Coal Preparation.


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