If you are a business in the energy value chain with a woman in the core team, POWERED is 'the' program for you!
POWERED is, the first-of-its-kind, entrepreneurship program focused on twin Sustainable Development Goals of Energy & Diversity. POWERED seeks to support local women-owned buasinesses in the energy space and help them expand their innovative and consumer-responsive services, products and financing, so that households and ecosystems can improve their energy access quotient more effectively and efficiently – with the ultimate goal being, to increase the economic empowerment of these businesses.
Some of the themes that will be pursued include Access to Energy, Sustainable Mobility, Waste to Energy, and Circular Economy. The program will operate with a tiered approach - involving women at each stage of a business.
Date and Time: 15th May, 4 pm onwards
Venue: Wsquare, 38, Kamaraj Ave 2nd St, Venkata Rathinam Nagar, Adyar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600020
Program Details: To be declared (via confirmation email)
- POWERED Entrepreneurship Program Launch
RSVP your attendance here - http://bit.ly/POWEREDlaunch
Stay tuned to know more:
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