This ticket includes refreshment and course materials
Sale Date Ended
Take the strain out of composing any kind of document!
Would you like a quick and easy method for composing documents,letters, memos, reports, proposals and performance appraisals in an organized format? This seminar provides you with basic formats and formulas for tackling any kind of writing task and communicating to your readers what they need to know. You streamline your writing process and save time by focusing on what to write instead of how to write it. Bring a current project and get one-on-one feedback.
How You Will Benefit
What You Will Cover
Special Feature
Programme Schedule:
Learning Objectives
Guidelines for Effective Business Writing
Writing the First Draft
Memos and Letters, Reports
Composing E-Mail
Editing and Proofreading the Final Version
This section of the seminar is held in an interactive workshop format
Groups of 3-4 people work together, sharing both ideas and understanding. Each group, analyses extracts of previously written reports, memos and letters that have been brought to the seminar. In the light of the understandings developed in the first part of the day, we discuss how we can better achieve the desirable outcome of a well-written piece. This analysis allows us to improve our written and presentational style, and the results of our exercises are shared and discussed with the rest of the group.
This seminar is hands on and very practical. It is directed at your specific needs; the exact content and balance of the sessions depending very much on areas of activity which you feel need to be explored.
The programme is backed with a PowerPoint presentation and each delegate receives a comprehensive pack of course notes for future reference.
Timings: 9:30 am – 5:00 pm, Registration begins at 9:00 am
How to Register: