An event for Business Networking, where you can build a great network for your business. It’s an opportunity to meet some like minded people and build a strong business network. You will have a chance to introduce your business to business owners from a different industry and promote your product or service to them.
11:50 - 12:30 PM Introduce yourself (Briefly showcase your products and services to the group)
12:30 - 12:45 PM All you want to know about Angel Investment (Speaker Session)
12:45 - 01:00 PM Open Discussion and Q&A Session
01:00 - 01:10 PM Conclusion & Business Referrals
01:10 - 01:55 PM Networking Lunch
*Note- Business Presentation based upon first come first basis after registration.
Do not forget to bring 50 business cards and dress like you are going to meet your client.
Who should attend this: All business owners, entrepreneurs, business head or decision maker of the company.
Why attend this event: To build business networking and also find opportunities and referrals for business.
About US
Igniters Business Network is a group of Business People who believe in Power of Good Networks.It's a group to connect business owners and help them to generate leads and opportunity through networking and referrals. You can build trusted network with business from various domains and let them know about your product or service. We do a regular monthly meeting to build networking and trust among members.