About #buildwithAWS:
One of the world's most powerful hosting platform, Amazon Web Services, needs to be harnessed in order to create high performance apps, sites and programs. We introduce a new series of LearnUps teaching you the capabilities and power of the AWS platform and how it can be leveraged to give your software the boost it needs.
These will take place on a weekly basis and will centre around imbibing you with key knowledge around using trending technologies to build and create highly interactive, engaging and performing websites, apps and programmes using the AWS platform.
You stand to gain from free & valuable knowledge from each LearnUp as well as knowledge on the Amazon Web Services Platform.
How else do you benefit? Besides getting access to a LearnUp, you also get $100 worth of AWS credits you can use for website hosting and code uploading.
Session Agenda:
Problem statement:
About the Speaker:
Dhilipsiva is a Tech Lead, Full-Stack & DevOps @Appknox. He codes for Web, Mobile, Embedded & IoT. Open-Source Fanatic. Big Data & Machine Learning Enthusiast. At AppKnox, he is responsible for architecting the entire product from ground-up, deploying it and ensuring the reliability & scalability of the site. He has also built a Device Farm, Flexbox-based CSS Framework and the Tech Team from ground-up.