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Heritage Softbiz Private Limited and nAssignments Technologies partnering together and presenting Build Your Career Event 2017, Event Provides platform for various different Niche of the Businesses. Build Your Career Event 2017(#BYC_2017) provides platform for various businesses to enhance the opportunities for Information Technology industry. Event will minimize the unemployment rate, since pass-out of 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 aren’t placed. Approximately 81% of candidates of 2014 aren’t placed. Apart studying computer science engineering and doesn't getting opportunities to work with software companies, but candidates from other streams are getting placed in industry. CSE/ISE candidates were working under BPO and Technical support, now BPO doesn't allowing engineering to work in the organization due to over qualifications. We want to support.for CSE/ISE candidates,who have been trained in the same stream ,so they can adopt easily with respect to organization. Many of the Start-up companies are getting into quick exit due to lack of opportunities in the market. Since,Clients and Entrepreneurs are having many projects but they could not able to outsource projects to rightful start-ups as much information isn’t available about company strength and even pricing of Projects are raising more. There are many educational organizations, but with respect to placement it’s hard to provide 30% placements in 75% of educational Organizations. Product developers are struggling hard to increase the sales and even many unique products exists in market but doesn’t getting right exposure for product. Service Providers are increasing day by day but couldn’t able to increase the client base , even many of the MNC’s and Educational Institutions are providing incubation center, coworking space and Aggregators but many couldn’t able to sustain in the current market conditions. We being together in the Indian Market of Software Industry and would like to enhance the exposure for our start-ups, entrepreneurs, education Organizations, Clients, Investors, Business consultancies, Product and service Developers, Training Institutes, recruiters and Lectures. So BUILD YOUR CAREER EVENT 2017 has been designed to provide platform. Event is conducted only for Information Technology industry. This Concept of Event wasn’ t accomplished till date in the history of India. We support Narendra Modi projects, Start up India , Digital India and go Cashless . Targeted Business/Customers are Clients, Investors, Recruiters, Start-up, Educational organization, Training Institutes, Consultancies, Product developers, Service Providers, Product and Service Buyers, Lectures, Freelancers and Job Seekers