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AIC-SKU Confederation is an Atal Incubation Centre (AIC) at Sri Krishnadevaraya University (SKU) supported by Atal Innovation Mission, NITI Aayog, govt. of India. It is a Special Purpose Vehicle registered as a Not for Profit Section-8 Company (as per the Govt. of India Companies Act 2013).
The mission of the AIC-SKU is to increase the successful development of emerging businesses in sectors that are supported by a region’s unique areas of opportunity. AIC-SKU would support and promote the vision of the Government of Andhra Pradesh and the activities are in tune with its Innovation and Start-up policy with focus on establishing the state as the destination of choice for innovative companies, entrepreneurs and start-ups.
AIC-SKU is organizing a One Day Boot Camp on ICT based Start-ups in order to promote startup and innovation culture in Andhra Pradesh. The prime objective is to create the innovation culture open up the entrepreneur opportunities and platform for networking and incubation. This event is organizing in partnership with Venusgeo and Sorokasoft. The main focus business area of the event are information and communication technology. The Outline of the event is to focus on problems and opportunity identification, defining effective problem statements, how to think about ideas, discussion on various ideation techniques, coming up with ideas to solve business problems, converting ideas into startups and group presentations and review. The participants are the potential aspirants of Andhra Pradesh region (preferably) with innovative idea to establish business.
Take away from the event