HydRAW proudly presents a book reading session of three Hyderabadi authors: Aditya Kv, Ravi Gowri Theja and Swapnil Saurav. We are thankful to Mr. Md. Waseem Akram, Centre Head, British Council, Hyderabad, who has kindly agreed to be our Chief Guest.
Hosted by accomplished poet & author, Lavanya Nukavarapu, the event will be an insightful, fun-filled and enjoyable evening for readers, writers and all those in the creative field. Passage reading is courtesy NRB - The Nation's Rock Beat.
This is a free event and open to all. There will be giveaways, plenty of tips, food for thought and what made up these authors' journey. So, please mark your calendar and do join in the very interactive get-together of literati.
Welcome & Introductions
Chief Guest Address
Opening remarks by authors
Host Q&A with authors & book reading
--- 2 passages read by NRB members
--- One additional passage reading by the authors.
Q&A with audience
Quiz questions for audience
Vote of Thanks
Book Signing & Networking