BASH (Business Associates Social Hour)
Sale Date Ended
Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much
We believe… more is Accomplished with collaboration We do enjoy competition but feel it is best left up to sports and games, where collaboration is better for Business and Entrepreneurship. They are both helpful ideals but they should have their place.
Keeping this in mind.. Awkworld finds this opportunity to invite you and join hands to be part of its one of the Biggest initiative
“Think Big and Grow Rich”.
We all know Specific industries have specific challenges and opportunities and those who also work in your industry will know them best. So why not meet others from your industry and find the solution to your major obstacles. Because this is going to be the first meet of its kind..
The agenda of meeting will be to decide on which sectors to be included with what Roles and Responsibilities of the leads…
Looking forward for your valuable suggestions and feedback to improvise BASH.
Please be ready with your inputs and Valuable ideas.
Looking forward for Happy Networking with all your lovely folks.
Your Friend Yor Organiser