Attend Free Workshop On Data Science-Gain Clear Insights To Career In Data Science By Analytics Path Scheduled On 01st June, 9 AM, Hyd.
Saturday, 1st Jun 2019 | 09:00 AM to 10:00 AM IST
Analytics Path,Plot No. 28, 4th Floor, Suraj Trade Center,,Opp. Cyber Towers, Adjacent to Dominos Pizza, Hitech City, , Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Free Data Science Workshop In Hyderabad
Analytics Path delivers you perfect opportunity to upskill your knowledge of what exactly is Data Sc...ience & what all in needs to transform into leaders in the Data Science domain
You are invited to attend Attend Free Workshop On Data Science-Gain Clear Insights To Career In Data Science By Analytics Path Scheduled On 01st June, 9 AM, Hyd.