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Attend Free Demo On AWS Training-Interact With The AWS Experts By Attending Free Demo On AWS Scheduled On 14th April 10 AM, Hyderabad
About The Event:
Kelly Technologies is about to conduct a free workshop on AWS attended by the highly skilled experts to create awareness among the youth regarding the prominence of AWS in the present generation and the multiple benefiting factors it offers like the generation of numerous job opportunities and enhanced profit levels in any organization.
Attending this demo will surely enhance your job oriented knowledge regarding the AWS. This demo session is scheduled on 14th April 10 AM
Overview of the Demo:
AWS is the most advanced and highly progressing field creating aid for the generation numerous employment opportunities at the present time. The field of AWS has crept into many fields within a short time span owing to its highly promising cloud computing features. The aim of this demo is to make people aware of how advantageous will the scope of career be by taking the AWS Training in Hyderabad from our Kelly Technologies training institute.
Who Can Attend This Free Demo On AWS?
Anyone having an acute desire in taking up the profession of cloud computing can get enrolled for this AWS Free Demo In Hyderabad. This course is also the best suit for
ü IT professionals
ü Graduates
ü PG holders
ü Job seekers
ü Network Admins
ü Digital Marketing Professionals
ü And as well as students are the best fit for this course.
AWS Demo Goals Includes:
Also, make your AWS professional journey to becoming highly successful by enrolling for this free demo session on AWS Training scheduled on 14th April 10 AM.
For Free Registration:
For more:
Contact: 998 570 6789
Kelly technologies
Flat no 212, 2ndfloor, AnnapurnaBlock,
Aditya Enclave, Ameerpet, Hyderabad-16.