Book Online Tickets for Artists for Wildlife and Nature Annual S, Bengaluru. About the Show

‘Artists for Wildlife and Nature’ (AWN) was formed in 2017 by Prasad Natarajan, a wildlife artist, and is the first of its kind in India. Their main aim is to promote wildlife and nature art. AWN’s arti

Artists for Wildlife and Nature Annual Show 2019


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About the Show



‘Artists for Wildlife and Nature’ (AWN) was formed in 2017 by Prasad Natarajan, a wildlife artist, and is the first of its kind in India. Their main aim is to promote wildlife and nature art. AWN’s artists strongly believe in portraying nature in her purest form. They provide a platform that encourages different forms of wildlife art, and support professional and amateur artists alike.

The Annual Show 2018-2019 will showcase some of India’s most talented wildlife artists, besides rewarding well-deserved ones for their contribution towards this vital art form. This show will showcase the great biodiversity of Indian flora, fauna, reptiles and amphibians. 22 senior wildlife artists and 13 junior wildlife artists (below 18 years) are participating in this show. Through their creations, they hope to spread awareness about the need to protect endangered wildlife.

Opening Day Schedule

Inauguration: 3:15 pm. By the chief guest, Santosh Martin.
Talk by the chief guest.
An introduction to AWN and their activities. By the founder, Prasad Natarajan.
Brief introduction of the participating artists.
Awards Ceremony: 3:45 pm onwards. Awards for the winners of various categories and the ‘Artist of the Year’.
Thanksgiving note. By Prasad Natarajan.
Gallery opening
Snacks break

Art for Cause

‘Artists for Wildlife and Nature’ is proud to mention that 10% of the sales proceeds from the show will go to the trust ‘A Rocha India’, a non-profit organisation involved in scientific research, environmental education and conservation of wildlife species.

About ‘Artists for Wildlife and Nature’

‘Artists for Wildlife and Nature’ (AWN) has a wide variety of events throughout the year, including workshops to help members advance their artistic skills. Members are also provided with ample opportunities to observe numerous species of flora and fauna in the wild. Through its art camps, AWN aims to create a society of nature artists and work towards its goal: conservation through art. Its awareness workshops highlight conservation issues and address how individuals can contribute towards the cause.

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