Book Online Tickets for Advance Technical Analysis , Hyderabad. What is advanced technical analysis?
Simply put, advanced technical analysis is the study of investment behavior and the effect it has on price action of financial instruments. The key data we need to carry out our study include the price history of

Advance Technical Analysis


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What is advanced technical analysis?

Simply put, advanced technical analysis is the study of investment behavior and the effect it has on price action of financial instruments. The key data we need to carry out our study include the price history of the stock or the particular financial instrument, along with the volume and time information. It helps us to form our views, depending on certain facts.

Course description

The advanced technical analysis course description is as follows.

Introduction: You are introduced to technical analysis concepts in this section.

Moving averages: This section is divided into six parts. You get to learn about the types of moving averages, exponential moving average, the 100
day EMA chart, simple versus exponential moving average, and moving average settings.

Understanding momentum: Topics covered in this section include introduction to momentum principles, rate of change indicator, selection of the time span,
interpretation of momentum characteristics, and oscillatory characteristics in the bull and bear markets.

Overbought and oversold: This section is divided into six parts. It includes understanding of the overbought and undersold region, overbought and oversold
crossovers, mega overbought, oversold and extreme swings, simple and complex divergence, and smoothed momentum indicator.

The art of asset allocation: This is the last part of the curse. You’re introduced to the art of asset allocation, followed by the process, personal investment
strategy, suggested allocation, and seven steps to plan your financial life.

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