To Be Brides Hurry up and Register. Get ready to experience the Wedding Journey #From Ms. to Mrs.
#SoganiJewellers presents you this amazing contest
#A_WEDDING_JOURNEY which will give you a chance to win amazing gifts on your wedding.
This Contest A WEDDING JOURNEY #FROM_MS_TO_MRS will be conducted at #Heiwa_Heaven_the_resort #Jaipur.
All what you have to do is register on this link-
And we will be short listing best 50 brides on the basis of the questionnaire which will be mailed to you on your registered E-mail id.
The selection of the best couple will be on the basis of the questionnaire & few more rounds judged by our Jury. Contest will be organized at Heiwa Heaven The resort Jaipur. Follow us for regular updates!!
For any Queries please call us on- 7412093714/7728888974