Sale Date Ended
Sale Date Ended
Sale Date Ended
Category I: 4th GRADE to 6th GRADE
To make a project of automated or non-automated robot using organic and inorganic e-waste materials which can help students to see the value of wastes and promote recycling.
The judgement is based on
AEROMODELLING COMPETITION- On The Spot (Entry from 4th Grade - 12th Grade)
You will be given materials on the spot and training to make a flight, with that flight model we will conduct the competition.(Range and Endurance).
Category II: 7th GRADE to 12th GRADE
Devise an autonomous vehicle capable of navigating efficiently through guided black lines on a white floor and stop when an obstacle is encountered in its path. The contestants will be judged on the basis of the time of completion of path and also on accuracy. There will be few challenges given in the case of a tie.
A team can consist of max of 2 members.
The arena will consist of a black path on a white floor. The black lines will be 3cm thick, free from breakages for ease of navigation.
The arena size will be 3m x 2m. The entire arena will be situated in a uniformly lit room to minimize ambient light. The arena might consist of smooth curves, U-turns and also sharp corners.
The robot should follow the line using line following algorithms only.