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Tech For Impact Asia 2019
Technology has the power to create innovative, affordable and scalable solutions for global development problems like education, health, sustainability, disability, poverty and climate change. We are in an era where pace of technology advancement and adoption of solutions happens at much faster pace than ever. How do we use these innovations to solve real challenges in development sector and how do we create an ecosystem of collaborations for tech entrepreneurs, impact investors, social workers, researchers and grass-root foot soldiers like community workers?
Tech for impact focuses on the positive dimensions of technology, which is worked on or developed with humankind and nature in mind. It is making affirmative strides in various fields ranging from education and healthcare to agriculture and rural development, from exploring the positive dimensions of blockchain technology and artificial intelligence to applying it for renewable energy and green earth.
Focusing on this booming trend of technology and its potential to do better, Tech for Impact Asia brings together businesses, innovators, impact investors, start-ups and non-profit organizations from all over the Asia and across the globe, at one platform to explore synergies and collaborations, to co-create solutions and share learnings and experiences for better tomorrow. The Summit is a mix of conference, talks, exhibitions, product demos and open forums.
Be a part of Asia’s largest meet-up of tech-companies,tech-impact leaders, innovators, impact investors, think-tanks, philanthropists, non-profit leader, start-ups, entrepreneurs, and government agencies. It’s meeting-point of doers, solvers, visionaries and practitioners. The leaders that are wanting to find innovative ways to leverage technology and the technologists wanting to apply their skills for real global change.
Tech for Impact Asia will leave you inspired and equipped to bring ideas, knowledge, and best practices back to organizations of all sizes. You will be a part of the sessions that will ignite you up and expose you to organizations on the new solutions. You will meet peers who are decoding the same challenges that you are trying to solve or a few ones who already have solutions, ready to amplify.
Come, join us to be a part of next level of collaborations in tech for impact space.
Date: 23rd-24th Sept. 2019
Venue: Hotel Pullman & Novotel, New Delhi, India
For whom
How can you participate?
For more information, registration and updated agenda, please visit http://www.techforimpact.net/
About the Hots: CSRBOX
CSRBOX is South Asia’s leading CSR knowledge and impact-intelligence platform aimed at the CSR and development community, connecting and informing over three million development, strategic communication, CSR, humanitarian and sustainability professionals & students through CSR data and analytical tools, CSR research reports, Impact-stories, collaboration platform and blended advisory services.