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Sale Date Ended
Exponential growth as a company and an individual requires you to master 3 elements – leadership, sales and digital and that is what we are bringing to you on the 28th and 29th of September at LSD experience, you need to be there to experience it
The economy and industry today is going through a metamorphosis, the old way of doing business is simply not good enough and if today one needs to thrive in the age of disruption, one needs to arm themselves with skills and learning from the best in the industry.
For the first time in India, 3 industry-leading expert trainers and facilitators come together to work with a select audience of just 250 people and help them in the areas that are most important to the success of any business owner, individual or company.
LSD stands for Leadership, Sales and Digital and these 3 areas are represented by
-- Viraj Kalra on Leadership,
-- Gaurav Bhagat on Sales and
-- Avijit Arya on Digital.
Two full days of amazing learnings that will give you amazing insights on what it takes to dominate your markets and be the market leaders in your industry.