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Sale Date Ended
International Conference on Research in Business aims to provide a platform which is apt to encourage and support the research works in Modern Age Business Management with the interdisciplinary approach. ICRB 2019 aims to bring scholars and researchers from academics, business fields, and different interconnected sectors to come together under one roof to share, deliver and discuss conclusive aspects of their studies. ICRB 2019 extends the opportunity to meet and outspread your network worldwide.
ICRB 2019 Theme: Honoring the Past, Appreciating the Present, Influencing the Future: A Business Perspective.
Objective: This conference looks forward to your presence in two ways: 1. Contribution to the conference by presenting your paper 2. Participation in the conference.
Call for Paper: Papers are invited on the conference theme and in all areas of management including:
Papers may be research-based for the academic tracks or practitioner views for the practitioner track. Qualied individuals will referee submitted papers through a process of double-blind peer review. Accepted papers will be considered for publication in indexed and ISSN journal.
Certificates and Awards: There will be the following categories for the Certificates:
1. Certificate of Participation to each attendee.
2. Certificate of Paper Presentation which will be issued accordingly for all accepted papers.
3. Certificate of Rank for Top three papers.
4. Certificate for the Best Presentation would be awarded by the house.
Publication Process: All papers will go through the double-blind peer review process. Submissions will be reviewed by the experts on the basis of the originality of the work, the validity of the results, chosen methodology, writing quality and the overall contribution to the field.
Publication Opportunity: All the accepted papers stand a chance of publishing with International Journal of Research in Business Studies (IJRBS), after incorporating suggested modications, if required. International Journal of Research in Business Studies is an open access double-blind peer-reviewed journal with ISSN: 2455-2992 indexed in Directory of Research in Journal Indexing (DRJI), Eurasian Scientic Journal Index, Cosmos Factor and CITE Factor and has awaited indexing in Open J-Gate, (Open Academic Journal Index), International Research Journal Impact Factor and Clarivate Analytics Index.