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This is to inform you that I am conducting training program on “Role of EQ to be successful in Personal & Professional Life” starting from Saturday at 6pm - 9pm.
Once you attend the 3 hours session you will be able to take informed decision whether to continue for further sessions.
Sunday session
10am -1pm: Time Management is Life Management &
2pm-5pm: Effective Communication: Its not what you communicate but how you communicate gets you the desired result in every interaction.
The program is followed by 1 week program with full day workshop on Sunday (10am - 5pm) and 90 minutes personalised session for nexr 5 days. Total program cost Rs.5000/- with world class workshop Handbook to do all the exercise to change your thoughts and develop EQ.
Whether you are successful or not, the answer is within you. Ask yourself what’s your emotional state, more often. Are you happy with your life?
School and colleges give importance to IQ not EQ
Emotional Resource is the most important resource in human being. It is the most delicate, most misunderstood and most misused resource.
Emotional resource plays vital role in our lives but it’s the most neglected area. We do anything and everything for our parents and children as we are emotionally attached to them. We do anything for our country and even sacrifice our lives for protecting our country if we are emotionally attached to our country. We can’t produce an inferior quality product with the name of our country attached to the product if we love our country. Same way if we can build an emotional bond at work place we will enjoy our work. But sometime people misuse this precious asset; and in the long run they lose all the relationships. Therefore we need to keep our core values intact.
We can accommodate only 10 participants. Please register today to bring health, wealth and happiness in your life.
Emotion is energy in motion:
Thoughts are powerful vibration. Emotions are the result of my thoughts in my mind. If I have positive thoughts in my mind, I will release positive Emotions and it will emit positive vibrations. I will attract positive people and situations in my life.