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78th Angelic Retreat by International Master Trainer, Certified Angelologist, Intuitive Master & Spiritual Coach Neera Sareen on 16th & 17th September
Angels are energies of the Divine that are always surrounding us acting as Guardians and Protectors.
Each and every one has such a spirit looking over us willing to guide, what is limiting is our desire and ability to make the connection. Angel Card Reading allows this communication channel to open enabling us to receive their messages. Angels can prove to be a powerful tool for those seeking guidance in their life.
Angel cards give insights into relationships, careers and finances, like Tarot. In addition, they also give the seeker inner peace and confidence to make decisions.
Angel Card Reading specifically requests the presence of the Angels. An Angel reader will pass the concerns to the guardian Angels and simply act as a mediator between the two.
These messages are delivered from a higher presence and have the potential to transform our lives bringing clarity and insights into our problems.
Join us for this Certified Angel Therapy Practioners Course & learn Spiritual Awareness, Raising Vibrations & Healing through the Angels…
You will learn:
Working with the Archangels
Angelic Healing
Chakra Associations, Scanning & Chakra Healing
Pendulum Healing
The 7 Ray Healing
Knowing your Guardian Angel
Channelling & Auto writing
Angel Card Reading
Angel Oracle Board Reading
Clearing the inner Space
Psychic Techniques
Cord Cutting
Release & Wish Manifestation
Sensitivity Test
Love Meditation
Abundance Cheques & Wish Letter
& lot more…
Angel Card Deck
Angel Kit
Chakra Salt
Chakra Candles
Lunch, Tea & much more
Workshop Schedule:
16th & 17th September (Sat & Sun)
10:00 am to 5.30pm
Energy Exchange: Rs. 18,000/-
Venue: Aum Karma, Centre for Holistic Studies, Meditation & Spirituality. East of Kailash
To Register and/or Query please contact at +91 9958633441
For more details please visit;
Angels-Thanks-Divine 520-741