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Save RM 200! Register before 18th August 2017
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Save RM 200! Register before 18th August 2017
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Smart Cities Asia returns to Kuala Lumpur for the third time, and there seems to be no brakes on the train of population explosion in cities. This is especially true in Asia where it is host to some of the densest cities in the world. As we enter into this new-age, city planners and urban leaders are faced with the unprecedented challenge of coping with this new landscape.
Where most conference focuses solely on using technology to solve these issues; the Smart Cities Asia Conference & Exhibition is cognizant of the fact that technology alone cannot be the silver bullet that solves our urban woes.
Smart Cities Asia Conference aims to be the intersection between urban planning, technology, governance and citizen involvement to address the modern challenges of cities. The conference will carry the following theme for 2017: