Book Online Tickets for 3 Hours Intensive Mindfulness Workshop, New Delhi. Researches show that Mindfulness can rewire and reshape our brain to improve the quality and our experiences. This is an easy practice to incorporate into your life. Mindfulness is paying conscious attention, on purpose and being in the present witho

3 Hours Intensive Mindfulness Workshop


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About The Event

Researches show that Mindfulness can rewire and reshape our brain to improve the quality and our experiences. This is an easy practice to incorporate into your life. Mindfulness is paying conscious attention, on purpose and being in the present without judgment.

Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, emotions, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment. It has a variety of research-backed impacts, including reduction in stress, and improvements in job satisfaction, emotional regulation, and focus.

The central objective of this program is to introduce you to mindfulness meditation and help you cultivate a personal mindfulness practice. Both beginners and those with significant experience find this course extremely worthwhile.

Sri Yogi Anand’s years of studies, researches, experiments, and findings towards Mindfulness, are designed and put into his Mindfulness Program, which can enhance the quality of your consciousness, resulting in better mental clarity, contemplations, deliberations, decisions, and actions.

 Who can join this program?

This is suitable for everyone who wishes to achieve greater presence and higher quality in life. We also highly recommend this program to those who are looking for ways to prevent and deal with stress and difficult emotions such as anxiety, irritability, sadness and anger. Previous experience with meditation is not necessary as this course aims at both beginners and the experienced.

Benefits :

At the end of the course all participants:
– are able to practice Mindfulness on their own
– learn useful and short attention exercises
– manage and prevent stress and difficult emotions
– increase the ability to relax
– improve the capacity for decision making
– create harmony between body and mind
– reduce self-criticism and pondering

 Workshop Content :

– Information about Mindfulness
– Information about stress, & stress management
– 3 Mindfulness Techniques practices
– Sound healing session
– Dialogue and exchange of experiences


 1. Sri Yogi Anand, for Mindfulness

Sri Yogi Anand is a Himalayan Yogi, Mentor, Corporate Trainer, & Life Coach. He runs sessions (personal/group), workshops, and trainings on:
1. Mindful Yoga,
2. Mindfulness Meditation,
3. MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) Programs,
4. Teacher Training Courses (TTC), and
5. Retreats.

 2. Sri Gauhar Chawla, for Sound Healing

Sri Gauhar Chawla, is a passionate explorer and 
promoter of Sound Healing, and has been practicing this for better physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being for years. He himself is a first witness of the positive effect of Sound healing, as said above, and also the participants of his session witness the same.

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