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After the grand success of World Congress on Genetics, Genomics And Personalized Medicine 2017 which has been scheduled to be held in J.N.TATA Auditorium, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India on 15th, 16th and 17th November 2017 BioGenesis Health Cluster is pleased to announce the 2nd World Congress on Genetics, Genomics And Personalized Medicine on 25th and 26th July 2019 at Shangri-La Hotel, Khet Bang Rak, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon Bangkok, Thailand.
The conference will focus on the principles of Genetics, Genomics and Personalized Medicine in health care, to identify clinically actionable genetic aberrations from affected organ of patient, and diagnostic genetic information from affected organ to predict optimal therapies, Determination of faster development of genomics personalized medicine to provide patients with precision medicine and also to understand application and limitations genomic medicine in prenatal genetic screening and diagnosis, technologies and their utility, limitations, genetic and environmental risk factors for complex genetic disorders, design and interpretation of genome-wide association studies, pharmacogenetics, full genome sequencing for disease gene discovery, population structure and genetic ancestry, use of personal genetic information in clinical medicine, ethical, legal, and social issues with personal genetic testing, Genetics underlying associations between genetic variants and disease susceptibility and drug response.
World Congress on Genetics, Genomics And Personalized Medicine will provides the premier interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in the field of Geriatrics & Gerontology. The scientific program will feature live workshops, interactive education sessions, B2B meetings, round-table discussions apart from the conventional plenary sessions, featured symposia, breakout sessions and oral presentation sessions for abstracts and challenging cases.