Book Online Tickets for 200 Hours Kundalini Yoga Teacher Trainin, Rishikesh.  As discussed in Hatha Yoga Pradipika and the Shiva Samhita, Kundalini Yoga is the practice of dissolution of a human being into the cosmic energy through awakening of the power-core pre-existent in a human body.One of the most mystical yogic fo

200 Hours Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training


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About The Event

 As discussed in Hatha Yoga Pradipika and the Shiva Samhita, Kundalini Yoga is the practice of dissolution of a human being into the cosmic energy through awakening of the power-core pre-existent in a human body.
One of the most mystical yogic forms, Kundalini Yoga primarily comprises of Hatha Yoga and Tantra Yoga practices, along with Chakra and Nadi Systems, Pranayama, Meditation, Bandhas and various Mantra Chanting practices – all projected in unison towards awakening of the Kundalini Energy.

What you learn :
Kundalini Practice (to awake the hidden energy)
Tantra practices (To unite and balance the shiva and shakti)
Hatha Yoga (for physical health and flexibility)
Pranayama (for energy balance and proper breathing)
Meditation (for calming and relaxing the mind to achieve stillness and stability in our life )
Bandhas (For awaken the hidden energy and channeling the energy in the proper direction)
Mudras (Yogic gestures that help you to save your energy so that you can make yourself always happy )
Philosophy (you can understand your life better and the function of kundalini shakti)
Satkarma (Detox cleansing will help you to make yourself lighter and open to awake the enegy)

Total Course Fee is : 1500 USD

What does the course fees include?

1- 17 nights shared Accommodation
2- Daily nutritious vegetarian meals, detox juices and teas
3- Weekend excursions
4- Yoga material
5- One the Himalayas sightseeing trip
6- A free Ayurvedic massage.
7- Free taxi-pickup from (DED) Dehradun airport. 

What is not included in the course fees. 
250 USD for private accommodation & 75 USD for Air conditioners

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